Instead, the moderators verify every torrent file to maintain the quality of the content provided. However, ordinary people cannot upload their torrent files. Even though it has very few torrents, there is a reason for it. This is the best website to get torrents for movies. If you’re not sure what you want to download, you can browse the categories and find what you need. Even the main home page of this site is targeted to provide the most popular torrents straight away. If you’re here to find some torrents, you can search for them. This site mainly focussed on keeping things tidy and simple. It consists of torrents from many categories such as Movies, TV SHows, Games, and even Anime.Īlso, this site uses tag systems like trending today, This week, or Popular this week that allow you to browse through popular content if you are not sure which one to choose. After going through a massive upgrade on its interface and system, it has become a popular host for torrents. This is another movie-targetted torrent site. The site also provides the option to stream torrent files directly without downloading.
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